October, 2013

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Change of Date for Concert

NOTICE!  Change of concert date.
All-District Patriotic Concert will be held on Thursday, November 14th, at 7:00 p.m. in the high school gymnasium.

Homecoming Spirit Week

Dress up to earn points for your class and join the fun…

Monday: Tie-Dye

Tuesday: Superhero

Wednesday: Mustache

Thursday: Pink Out

Friday: Red & White

Picture Retakes

funny-yearbook-photos-9School picture retakes will be held during both lunches on Monday, Oct. 21st.  Students need to return their picture packets to Bell Studios if they are having retakes.  Picture order forms are available at the office.



Also, PSAT is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 16.  Cost is $14 and students should sign up ahead of time at the office with Mrs. Stagner.




index Jostens will be here on Nov. 6th to speak to the Seniors about graduation orders.

Mark it on your calendar…

The first set of school conferences are scheduled for October 28, 29, 30, 31 and November 1. School will be dismissed as follows: Elementary at 12:00, Middle School at 12:10 and High School at 12:20.